He is walking with us!!
What's next? John 21:15-19, the restoration of Peter and the idea of what was next for the disciples after the resurrection of Jesus. What's next for you and the Church?
"What Does Easter Mean to You?" - Several members contribute to today's message!
Recording of the Livestream shown at Sunrise on Easter morning 4-12-2020.
Palm Sunday Message about the deliberateness of Jesus during his entry into Jerusalem. How Deliberate are you in your faith?
How are you dealing the changes going on in your life today? What will the new normal look like? The one part of our life that will not change is…
A Video Sermon for each of us during the Covid-19 situation.
The Audio is in two parts due to a recording difficulty on the Sound System. The Video is the complete hour!
The Audio is in two parts due to a recording difficulty on the Sound System. The Video is the complete hour!